Independent Study Project

Due date:  Thursday, 27 January, 2011

1. Your choice of an organic compound that is of either biological or pharmaceutical significance that is of personal interest to themselves.
    - How is it synthesized?
    - What is it’s structure?
    - How does the structure affect the properties of the compound?
    - Positive effects of the compound
- Negative side effects of the compound
- Any other interesting or important things about this compound.


2. An element from the periodic table. 
    - Where is it found?  When (and how) was it discovered?
    - Structure and properties of the element
    - How is it used?  The history of its use.
    - Negative aspects of using this element on the environment.
- Are there any economic or social advantages or disadvantages of this element?
    - Any other interesting or important things about this element.

Everyone will submit a written report with:
    - written research
    - diagrams & illustrations
    - references
 If you want to do a presentation as well, you can.

This project is worth 15% of your final mark.
If you choose to do a presentation, the marks will be 10% for the written report and 5% for the presentation.

There will be time in class to work on this later in January.